Welcome to nanoCare

The development from good to extraordinary

As a spin-off from the Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM), our standards are high: With a view to our environment, we want to protect people and make their lives easier. Dirt-repellent coatings reduce workload and save on cleaning agents. Invisible sealants on work clothing protect skilled workers from chemicals, fire and odors. antimicrobial coating en protect against smear infections during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We support and supply producers, chemical distributors and users with multifunctional high-performance coatings. In more than 70 countries, companies and consumers benefit from their advantages.

What we do

We can technology

Antimicrobial coating

The Corona pandemic with increasing confirmed cases challenges us. New hygiene concepts are needed. Before Covid-19 in mid-March, simple cleaning and disinfection was sufficient. However, shortly after wiping, new colonization can occur. 99% of the time a surface is exposed to viruses and germs until the next disinfection occurs. What if there was a surface that could defend itself against certain viruses around the clock? Our antimicrobial coating inactivates the Sars cov-2 coronavirus 10x faster, providing additional protection against the communicable disease.

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Keramikbeschichtung Auto

Ceramic sealants

Ceramic sealers protect against UV radiation on a molecular basis. A three-dimensional crystal lattice allows water to bead up due to the lower surface tension. The protection remains on the entire paint if you use a ph-neutral cleaner. Normally the end user has to have his car sealed. We also offer additional consumer products of ceramic coatings.

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Architektur und Baugewerbe (Außen und Innenflächen)

Nano coating

“Nano” (Greek: dwarf) is the part of a billionth of a meter. Ultra-thin coatings prevent limescale from forming on shower cubicles in the bathroom, for example, as with nano glass sealing, or simply allow wine to roll off upholstery and T-shirts. nano coatingen have no effect on UV radiation – wood undergoes its characteristic aging as desired, but remains free of mold and moss.

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Versiegelung ceramicschutz

Waterproofing spray

Clothing or shoes waterproof have always been at the expense of nature in the past. Per- and polyfluorinated chemicals in waterproofing spray polluted the environment. However, we have an ecologically sustainable solution that works in wind and weather. Sprayed on at a distance of 30 centimetres, our impregnation spray technology works reliably after drying and is suitable for all textiles and outdoor footwear. Gore Tex and Sympatex membranes can be reapplied afterwaterproof, once the effect wears off.

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Keramikbeschichtung Auto

Liquid Guard inactivates SARSCov-2 permanently, 24/7

The Interactive Research School For Health Affairs (IRSHA) succeeds in proving that Liquid Guard technology inactivates the new coronavirus SARSCoV-2. The researchers test on plastic plates, as it is known that the virus survives longest on synthetic materials. The result: complete inactivation. In combination with regular cleaning, the Liquid Guard technology thus offers the key to permanent hygiene of surfaces in the Covid-19 pandemic. The long-term effectiveness of the innovation has been proven by field studies and it is available in an increasing number of countries.

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Why nanoCare

Product Features

Companies and consumers in over 70 countries are already benefiting from the advantages of our multifunctional products.

Scratch protection

Surfaces become more resistant to wear

UV protection

The anti aging effect preserves the value of the surface

Easy to use

Even without special training you get a perfect finish

High temperature resistance

Retention of properties under extreme heat (up to 1000 C)

The perfect finish

Colour intensification and gloss give the surfaces excellent aesthetics


“It’s still magic even if you know how it’s done” – Terry Pratchett

In its early days, Nano-Care Deutschland AG concentrated on silicon dioxide (SiO2) technology and developed innovations mainly on the basis of silane, polysilazane, and polysiloxane. But the competences have multiplied: in the meantime paraffins, hyperbranched polymers (dendrimers) or hybrid materials are successfully used. Their combination allows the elimination of weaknesses and the enhancement of strengths in the final product.

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Certificate 3
Certificate 2
Certificate 1

Why nanoCare

The special features

in promising technologies such as nanotechnology, surface modification and microbiology.

Since our spin-off from the Leibniz Institute for New Materials, we have been constantly expanding our knowledge through further training and personnel growth.

Germany continues to have the best workforce and business ethics in the field of engineering and chemistry. We are proud to be part of it.
Stagnation is regression. We only know the way forward, to a future where our children will live safely and happily.

Who we are

About nanoCare

Nano-Care Deutschland AG is a leading international specialist in the production of ready-to-use high-tech coatings and their precursors. An internationally leading specialist in the production of ready-to-use high-Nano-Care Deutschland AG

As a spin-off of the Leibniz Institute for New Materials (INM) in Saarbrücken, we create invisible high-performance coatings based on our expertise in nanotechnology, bionics and process engineering. Our standards are high: Our goal is to achieve a competitive advantage for industry with our intelligent technology. We combine the highest quality standards with state-of-the-art technology while retaining the flexibility and agility of a medium-sized company. By combining innovative new materials with proven basic technologies, we create intelligent hybrid systems (INTELLIGENT HYBRIDS®) that set new standards in many markets.

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Other advantages

Water repellent

Drops and splashes don't matter, a shower does, heavy rain even more so. Don't turn outdoor into an adventure

Durable and indestructible

Once it has rained, cats, birds and deer are dry faster than you can look. With waterproofingen of the brand nanoCare you can also manage that

Hygienically clean

Wherever cleanliness is a top priority, waterproofingdoes a great job thanks to its dirt-repellent properties. Whether on stone or textiles


Even stones benefit. From now on, impregnated surfaces are immune to weathering and soiling.

Textile finishing

Impregnation means textile finishing. The hydrophobic effect makes you and your clothes weatherproof. The water simply rolls off you

About nanoCare products

Experience the latest in technology – applications and possibilities that are second to none.

Nano-Care Deutschland AG has succeeded in imparting antimicrobial (antiviral) resistance to other products in its range using Liquid Guard technology. The resulting product is resistant to viruses and bacteria and is classified as a “treated article”. The combination of primary dirt/water repellency and secondary microbial resistance is unique in the world. Once again, the “INTELLIGENT HYBRIDS” concept has created innovations that would not have been possible without this approach.

Product features

– Dirt and water repellent
– Resistant to microbial attack (viruses, bacteria, mould, fungi, algae)
– Ecologically sustainable

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Frequently asked questions

Independent studies have demonstrated efficacy against coronaviruses (SARSCoV-2). The median efficacy is 10 times faster compared to an uncoated surface.
Liquid Guard is only effective against enveloped viruses, for example: corona, influenza, HIV and hepatitis. In the case of bacteria, we have not yet been able to identify any species for which there was no effect. Fungi, yeasts and algae are attacked, but LG has a -static rather than -cidal effect here.
Yes! The product can be provided in wet wipes. A simple polishing of the wipe soaked with the liquid results in an antimicrobial coating.
No! When dry, Liquid Guard can be compared to glass (silicon dioxide). It is chemically inert (i.e. non-reactive) and therefore guarantees skin-friendliness and safety. In liquid state it should not get into waters or waste water.

What our customers say

Waterproofing our garden furniture was a task for our children. It is very reassuring that nothing can happen to them anymore due to the new mixture.

Ruth Jacobs

Wir waren auf der Suche nach einem innovativen Unternehmen, das moderne Lösungen in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen anbieten kann. Nano Care nahm sich die Zeit, um zu verstehen, wer wir als Unternehmen sind und in welchem Markt wir tätig sind. Bisher haben wir mit ihren Produkten für den Schutz von Gebäuden und Textilien, den Dura-Keramikbeschichtungen für Automobile und der revolutionären antimikrobiellen Beschichtung Liquid Guard gearbeitet. Das Feedback, das wir von unseren Kunden erhalten, ist mehr als zufriedenstellend. Wir empfehlen von ganzem Herzen die Zusammenarbeit mit Nano Care und die Implementierung ihrer Lösungen.


Grigor Mihov, CEO Nano Coat Bulgarien

Kundenstimme Nano Coat Bulgarien

After the treatment of our parasol, the fabric looked like new. Now also nothing drips through and everything underneath stays dry.

Ruth Jacobs

The NanoCare impregnation for textiles was the last rescue for my convertible fabric roof from my old Escort. I can now enjoy the summer again and prepare my car for the restoration next winter.

Ruth Jacobs

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