nano coating of mineral and porous surfaces

Sandstone and limestone have been popular building materials for many centuries. They can be easily cut into precise blocks that are walled into magnificent buildings of all kinds. Built this way, many buildings since Roman times defied the weather – until coal dust and car exhaust turned the rain sour. Today, the rapid deterioration of historic structures is viewed with concern in many places. But there is a solution: Nano sealants not only seal porous building materials, they also protect them from chemical attack.

The enemies of mineral and porous surfaces

Water alone hardly affects a façade made of limestone or sandstone. The eroding effect of rain is minimal. However, this is provided that the rainwater is properly drained away via gutters and pipes. If a rain pipe has a leak and water constantly runs down the house wall at a certain point, a visible trace will quickly appear there even on the firmest stone. Here also no Nano sealing helps, but only an intact drainage of the rainwater. If the pH content in the water rises due to soot, carbon dioxide and other exhaust gases, then even normal rain can affect a facade. “Acid rain” only has a slightly increased pH value. But this is enough to dissolve mineral and porous surfaces. As soon as the acid rain has created the smallest capillaries, water can penetrate and linger in the surface.

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Depriving mould of its basis of life

Then all it takes is one cold frosty night. The water expands as it solidifies to form ice and blasts the façade open further and further. There is no need to worry about structural stability, because this process takes place in the range of millimeters. However, the facade becomes increasingly unsightly over the years. In particular, strongly structured surfaces, such as sand-lime facing bricks with broken outer edges, lose their characteristic appearance. In addition, the capillaries are ideal attack points for mosses and lichens. Although these do not destroy the building fabric, they do give the façade a very dirty, weathered and unkempt appearance.

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Sealing mineral and porous surfaces

To protect a facade from progressive weathering, sealing is the best option. This is especially true for historic buildings, for which plastic or metal paneling is not an option. There are two approaches to sealing facades:

  • Epoxy resin
  • Nano-sealing on SiO2-basis

Epoxy resin consists of two components. Depending on the mixing ratio, the resin becomes thicker or thinner. After curing, the epoxy resin creates a closed surface. It is available in all colours. This makes it possible to seal and repaint painted facades in a single operation. Epoxy resin is sprayed on. In the liquid state, it penetrates into the capillaries of the masonry.

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Your advantages with nanoCare


Only a closed nano-sealing consisting of Nanoflex TPM 300 as primer and Nanoflex AG 1-4 as stain protection guarantees that no more water can penetrate into the building fabric.

Protection with lotus effect

On the outside, the sealant hardens into an almost invisible film. This film finishes with a special feature: after solidification, the surface has a structure that has a “lotus effect”.

Self cleaning

The lotus effect is named after the lotus flower. Microscopic “bumps” ensure that no new dirt can adhere to the surface. The facade therefore cleans itself with every rain shower and shines again as if freshly painted.

Possible applications of epoxy resin and nano coating

Epoxy resin consists of two components. Depending on the mixing ratio, the resin becomes thicker or thinner. After curing, the epoxy resin creates a closed surface. It is available in all colours. This makes it possible to seal and repaint painted facades in a single operation. Epoxy resin is sprayed on. In its liquid state it penetrates into the capillaries of the masonry. This means that it not only adheres very well to the wall due to a lasting anchorage. It also creates a closed, airtight and watertight surface. To the outside, clear epoxy darkens the surface a little and creates a glossy effect. However, its use should be chosen wisely. Epoxy resin is sensitive to UV light. With constant exposure to sunlight, it becomes cracked and cloudy. Its restoration is extremely difficult and usually does not work without damaging the building fabric. Epoxy resin is therefore mainly suitable for interior use. It is very popular for sealing concrete. For facades, nano-sealing made of silicon oxide such as Nanoflex AG 1-4 or TPM 300 is therefore preferred. Silicon oxide is basically little more than normal, extremely finely ground sand. To create a waterproof surface, this sand is mixed with silicone slurry. The rubber-like material is so thin that it can also penetrate deep into the capillaries. Mineral and porous surfaces can be sealed with it up to a depth of 2 cm.

Imagine invisible protection that can keep out up to 95% of dirt and 98% of moss, lichen and fungi from absorbent materials such as stone, concrete, clinker or terracotta – for up to 10 years*.

Nanoflex® AG 1-4 creates an ultra-thin breathable 3D network on the substrate surface, which permanently keeps water and dirt out of the pore system. Coated materials can thus increase resistance to freeze-thaw testing by a factor of 3 (EN 1338) and remain clean for over a decade.

Its water and dirt repellent properties on all mineral and absorbent surfaces additionally increases the range of applications to the area of monument protection and sand.

The strong chemical bond to the OH groups of the surfaces ensures exceptional permanence in terms of weather resistance, as well as mechanical and chemical resistance.

Nanoflex® AG 1-4 is part of the INTELLIGENT HYBRIDS® concept of Nano-Care Deutschland AG due to the intelligent arrangement of hybrid (organic and inorganic) structures.

It should be noted that the initially strong beading effect may weaken after a few years due to the superimposition of very fine dust particles. However, the protection is in no way impaired by this.

Chemical base: modified silicon dioxide
Layer thickness: approx. 100-150 nm
Water repellency: between 130° and 150° (20μl)
Oil repellency: between 120° and 130° (20μl)
Glide angle: not applicable
Temperature stability: 250°C permanent, 450°C peak
Chemical stability: between pH 1 and pH 13
Weathering resistance: 3500h according to ISO 11507 A
Resistance (mechanical): depending on substrate
Salt water resistant: yes
Transparency: 100%
Storage stability: 2 years
Temperature sensitivity: 1°C to 30°C
Consumption: 80 – 150 ml/m2
Application: The coating liquid is applied to the surface by standard pump spray systems. If the substrate cannot absorb the liquid immediately, the use of a paint roller is recommended to ensure uniform wetting. The coating is stable to water after approx. 6 hours and fully cured after 24 hours. The product can also be applied after deep hydrophobic treatment of the surface by Nanoflex® Infusion. The pretreatment should be allowed to flash off for 5 days before Nanoflex® AG 1-4 is used as top coat.

Nanoflex® AG 1-4 is additionally available in the quality grades VP 172 and AG. These formulations contain a lower (VP 172) or higher (AG) proportion of active components. The product is water-based and not a dangerous good according to ADR and IATA. It can also be shipped as a liquid concentrate (Nanoflex® Concentrate SP).

For handling Nanoflex® AG 1-4, please refer to the corresponding safety data sheet.


The high-performance product penetrates deeply into absorbent mineral substrates such as stones, concrete, clinker or terracotta and protects against hydrostatic pressure and rising water.

Nanoflex® Infusion creates an ultra-thin breathable 3D network in the depth of the pore system, which permanently keeps out pressing water, and is thus certified according to DIN EN 1504 – 2.

Its water- and dirt-repellent properties on all mineral and absorbent surfaces additionally increase the range of applications to the area of monument protection.

Due to the strong chemical bond to the pore system of the surfaces, an extraordinary permanence in terms of weather resistance as well as mechanical and chemical resistance is guaranteed.

Nanoflex® Infusion is part of the INTELLIGENT HYBRIDS® concept of Nano-Care Deutschland AG due to the intelligent arrangement of hybrid (organic and inorganic) structures.

Chemical base: modified silicon dioxide
Coating thickness: not applicable
Water repellency: not applicable
Oil repellency: not applicable
Glide angle: not applicable
Temperature stability: 250°C permanent
Chemical stability: between pH 1 and pH 14
Weathering resistance: 3500h according to ISO 11507 A
Resistance (mechanical): very high
Salt water resistant: yes
transparency: slight colour deepening possible
Storage stability: 2 years
Temperature sensitivity: -3°C to 30°C
Consumption: 130-300 ml/m2
Application: The coating liquid is applied by flooding the surface, allowing it to flow against the surface without pressure. The coating is stable to water after approx. 24 hours and fully cured after 5 days.

Nanoflex® Infusion is ready for use. The product is solvent-based and a dangerous good according to ADR and IATA.

For handling Nanoflex® Infusion, please refer to the associated safety data sheet.

The AG System Coat application system consists of a permanent protective layer which prevents paint particles from penetrating into the pore system of the mineral surface. It also keeps out over 95% of soiling and 98% of mosses, lichens and fungi from absorbent materials such as stones, concrete, clinker or terracotta – for a period of up to 10 years*.

Nanoflex® AG System Coat creates an ultra-thin breathable 3D network on the substrate surface, which permanently keeps water and dirt out of the pore system. Coated materials can thus increase the resistance in the freeze-thaw test by a factor of 3 (EN 1338) and remain clean for over a decade.

Its water and dirt repellent properties on all mineral and absorbent surfaces additionally increases the range of applications to the area of monument protection and sand.

The strong chemical bond to the OH groups of the surfaces ensures extraordinary permanence in terms of weather resistance as well as mechanical and chemical resistance.

The graffiti remover Nanoflex® AG System Clean, which is adjusted to the formulation, allows a residue-free removal of graffiti over 10 cleaning cycles.

Nanoflex® AG System is part of the INTELLIGENT HYBRIDS® concept of Nano-Care Deutschland AG due to the intelligent arrangement of hybrid (organic and inorganic) structures.

It should be noted that the initially strong beading effect may weaken after a few years due to the superimposition of fine dust particles. However, the protection is in no way impaired by this.

Chemical base: modified silicon dioxide
Layer thickness: approx. 100-350 nm
Water repellency: between 130° and 150° (20μl)
Oil repellency: between 120° and 140° (20μl)
Glide angle: not applicable
Temperature stability: 250°C permanent, 450°C peak
Chemical stability: between pH 1 and pH 13
Weathering resistance: 3500h according to ISO 11507 A
Resistance (mechanical): depending on substrate
Salt water resistant: yes
Transparency: 100%
Storage stability: 2 years
Temperature sensitivity: 1°C to 30°C
Consumption: 80-200 ml/m2
Application: The coating liquid is applied to the surface by standard pump spray systems. If the substrate cannot absorb the liquid immediately, the use of a paint roller is recommended to ensure uniform wetting. The coating is stable to water after approx. 6 hours and fully cured after 24 hours. The product can also be applied after deep hydrophobic treatment of the surface by Nanoflex® Infusion. The pretreatment should be allowed to flash off for 5 days before Nanoflex® AG System Coat is used as top coat.

After contamination by graffiti, Nanoflex® AG System Clean is applied generously to the surface. The reaction time is 10-15 min. Then rinse with clear water. If the graffiti is not completely removed, the work step can be repeated several times.


Certificate 1
Certificate 2
Certificate 3

These questions are frequently asked on the subject of nano coating of mineral and porous surfaces.

The nano sealant for mineral and porous surfaces is sprayed on or applied with a tassel or lambskin roller. However, this requires some preliminary work. First, the facade is thoroughly cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner. This also removes the remains of moss, lichen, old paint and other dirt. The remains of an old nano coating are also removed during this operation. The result is a fresh, mineral and porous surface that is ready to receive a new nano sealant.
In the second work step, the area to be sealed is dried. It is very important that no water is “trapped” in the structure. Otherwise it can cause mould to form on the inside. While a little residual moisture cannot be avoided, the surface should be as dry as possible. The right timing of a facade sealing is therefore also important. Warm spring or summer days are ideal, as the facade is guaranteed to be dry during this time. The sealant is then applied to the facade in several layers. It is important that no corner is overlooked or forgotten.
Unlike the facade sealant made of epoxy resin, the nano coating is not permanent. It lasts about 2-3 years, then it must be renewed. What sounds like a lot of work, however, is more of a contribution to the value of the building. A refreshment of the facade every 3 years keeps the house visually in an attractive, clean and well-kept condition.

What our customers say

The NanoCare impregnation for textiles was the last rescue for my convertible fabric roof from my old Escort. I can now enjoy the summer again and prepare my car for the restoration next winter.

Ruth Jacobs

After the treatment of our parasol, the fabric looked like new. Now also nothing drips through and everything underneath stays dry.

Ruth Jacobs

Wir waren auf der Suche nach einem innovativen Unternehmen, das moderne Lösungen in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen anbieten kann. Nano Care nahm sich die Zeit, um zu verstehen, wer wir als Unternehmen sind und in welchem Markt wir tätig sind. Bisher haben wir mit ihren Produkten für den Schutz von Gebäuden und Textilien, den Dura-Keramikbeschichtungen für Automobile und der revolutionären antimikrobiellen Beschichtung Liquid Guard gearbeitet. Das Feedback, das wir von unseren Kunden erhalten, ist mehr als zufriedenstellend. Wir empfehlen von ganzem Herzen die Zusammenarbeit mit Nano Care und die Implementierung ihrer Lösungen.


Grigor Mihov, CEO Nano Coat Bulgarien

Kundenstimme Nano Coat Bulgarien

Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nişi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a ornare odio. Sed non mauris vitae erat consequat auctor eu in elit.
Class aptent taciti sociosgu ad litora torguent per conubia nostra.

Waterproofing our garden furniture was a task for our children. It is very reassuring that nothing can happen to them anymore due to the new mixture.

Ruth Jacobs


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